Monday, October 29, 2012

Who Pressed the Fast Forward Button?


  This is the story of our family

We are an Air Force family with twins and a son that is living with autism.  I am a pianist, composer, music educator, and artist, and I like to do artsy things whenever possible.  My husband Alex, is a JAG and we are currently stationed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama.

 Let's rewind a bit. 

Alex returned home from his deployment to Iraq during my last trimester.  The summer of 2009 was a very special one for our family.  I gave birth to our twins, Max and Miriam in May

The M & Ms

A few short weeks later, our son Jake who was 2 1/2 at the time, was diagnosed with autism and global developmental delays. 


Our life as we knew it was no longer on "Plan A."  It seems that most things after Alex and I had gotten married went the "Plan B" rout.  One was not better then the other--just different and mostly unexpected.

The twins at 6 months old and Jake at 3 years old

The Roses
It was all one big journey that took us for the ride of our lives.  That ride brought many twists and turns, and we couldn't see what was coming up ahead.  We couldn't even think about what the daunting challenges of the autism diagnosis would bring to our door.  Meanwhile, we were learning to parent twins, and at one point we had all 3 kids in diapers.

Those were some crazy days....some of the best days of our lives.  What did we do to cope? We slowly moved forward in baby steps until one day, without realizing it, we sort of got our balance.  We still piece it together every day with creativity and love.  Some days are better then others.  Many days, I reflect on how I could have coped with things better, but I let myself reboot overnight and try again the next day. 

Visit my blog:  
Lily and the Roses ~ 
Creativity with Autism, Twins and Military Adventures 

Leave me a comment if you find any of my posts meaningful to you.  Feel free to share posts with your friends to help us raise autism awareness and acceptance.
Visit my other blog: 

This is where I display 
my artwork, music compositions and travel photos 
Stop by and share posts with your friends



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you Walter for your lovely words. Lots of love, Lily

  2. I'm a big supporter of plan B. Its more resourceful than plan A. Its whole purpose is to help navigate out of danger and into safety. Plan A assumes all is copacetic and whose life is ever always that? So stick with plan B, it's more resilient and it gave you your darling little family. :-) Thanks for sharing your blog with me.

  3. I love it! thanks Marcella! I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Lily- what a beautiful family you all are! and wow.. the twin thing was SO HARD, i could hardly imagine doing it with one only slightly older autistic child! supermom!!!!!

  5. Rebecca, I'm so glad that you read it and I hope that you'll also read my other posts as well. Thank you for your lovely encouraging word here. Hugs to you and your family!

